Energy saving tips, fuel related news and more!
Summer is our busiest season, not only because it is when our oil prebuy releases, and propane program start, but because it is when the majority of community programing happens. We have had the wonderful opportunity to support a variety of events and programming in some of “Our Towns” and can't wait to continue to grow the ways we give back.
This summer we were able to be one of the sponsors for Freedom Old Home Week. The folks in Freedom, NH orchestrated the amazing activities with their events stretching from July 26th through August 4th, including a Parade, Ice Cream Social, a 5K and a Pancake breakfast, we were thrilled to be part of the fun!
We also are a sustaining donor for the Barnstead Farmer’s market, a weekly market in Barnstead NH that serves Alton, Barnstead, Barrington, Chichester, Epsom, Farmington, Gilford, Gilmanton, Laconia, Pittsfield, Somersworth, Strafford, and Wolfeboro with access to locally grown and produced products. It runs spring through fall, offering fun times, good food and live music. Keep their Holiday market on November 11th in mind for your winter gifts!
Finally we are proud to have been one of the sponsors for the 5th Annual Recovery Rally held by SOS Recovery. The mission of SOS Recovery Community Organization is to support all people affected by substance use with peer-based solutions and advocacy to reduce the harm and stigma of drugs. We support SOS Recovery Community Organization’s vision where recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs is possible with accessible care and inclusive and respectful support.
If you are hosting or know of an organization or event that you would like Our Town Energy to support please contact us. We believe in the power of community, and that your town, is Our Town.